Book: Waves, Sands & Magic

Author: Neeraja Kona

Publisher: Notion Press 


Why do you always write magic in the sand of every beach you go to?” he asked as he watched her finger move through the sand in a rhythm writing the word.

She smiled and said, “Because there is magic in the sand.”

“What do you mean?” he further asked.

“When you feel the sand under your feet,” she scrunched up her toes in the sand as she spoke.

“And feel every granule of it, the noise of your thoughts suddenly sound like the waves.

Just like magic.”

Review: Cover is just so gorgeous. It has waves, sand and even magi, everything this book is made up of. So a unique concept and such a beautiful idea, it matches the book completely and makes you keen about knowing what is in the book. Special mention for the typesetter, you really brought this book to life.

I am a huge huge huge fan of quotes. And this book is exactly how I expected it to be. From pictures to quotes, everything is just so beautiful, that i felt it was just written for me by the author. Yes, in each quote I felt me was you. Once you start reading, I am sure, you wont be able to stop yourself from completing the book. I completed it in one sitting, ys ! this book is that good. And again,there are  pictures ! Beautiful pictures, that are just like cherries on the cake ! 
If you a fan of quotes like me, then this book is a big must read for you. 


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