Book: Saving My Multiverse

Author: Devesh Khemka

Publisher: Papertowns


“You are the chosen one, dear,” Mr X says.

What do you do when you land in a multiverse universe, and you are told to save the universe? Do you go back to your boring life or take up the challenge with cool gadgets and save the world? Catch up the amazing adventure of Rick and Tara as they save the universe.


Let me start the review by saying, its a book written by 16-year-old. Like at this age, I was still trying to learn ‘Mitochondria’ and Devesh wrote this book and not just any book, a scifi, an about multiverse, a concept I, myself learned about 2-3 years back. This is really commendable. You really did a great job, Devesh.

Now to begin with the story, I really love the storyline, like the imagination and concept are really good. This book is a short and sweet read. Like you can complete this book in one sitting and I am sure you will as this book will keep you hooked from the first page itself. Language is easy and simple narration makes this book a perfect read for beginners and young adults who would love to read something different.

Filled with innocence and a solid storyline, this book is a must-read for all beginners and young adults.

QOTD: What you think about the cover?

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