Book: Rewind and Play

Author: Tarun Gautam


Raghav Diwan is living the American dream. A successful career, a comfortable and happy married life. One day, he receives an invitation to an evening get together with his college batch mates. He has not kept in touch with any of them and has no desires to meet them. But the past seems to be calling him. The past wants to reveal something to him. Will he open the door to let his past in.? Will he let it change hi future? Will he press, rewind and play.


To begin with I loved the cover. The graphics and the way title is depicted is quiet appreciative.

The story revolves around Raghav Diwan, whose life changes completely after an incident, in which he suddenly becomes jobless after being in a successful career. At very same time he receives an invite to get together. The story jumps from reality to their chapters in past and vice versa.
The story is simple and fast paced. One could easily connect to their college days. I loved how there are chapters from different character’s point of view. Easy language and real life resemblance chapters make this book a page turner.

If you love btech or hostel life related novels, then this book is a must read.

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