Book: Who Stole My Job?

Author: Sunil Mishra

Publication: Srishti Publication

Blurb: Creative Tech has been one of the most successful IT companies in India during the last two decades. Only that it has started faltering of late. In a challenging and tumultuous business set-up, Marshal Scott, a newly hired American CEO, embarks on a transformation journey that starts on a high note, but soon gets entangled with many unexpected issues.
The employees experience disenchantment with the demanding leadership, frequent policy changes and cultural conflicts. Satvik, a mid-level manager sees the direct implications of these changes that lead to multiple business disruptions and exits of many of his colleagues.
Will things ever be same again? Can Creative Tech tide over the disruption wave and reclaim its glorious past? What does employment mean for individuals and the corporate in the new digital world? Will the future of work be different from what was perfected after the Industrial Revolution?


“This is the thing about corporate life, you know – till the day you are in middle of it, you think it’s the only world you live in, nothing exists beyond that.”

I really loved the cover. It looks so attractive and justifies the book completely.

About the story, it’s about Satvik, who struggles his way through his IT life. And how after a new Ceo is appointed, Satvik notices the changes while his colleagues are being fired. Being from the IT industry I can completely relate to this story. I completely agree with how degree never pays you but it’s the skill that is worth. The story is medium paced, storyline is fast and keeps you engaged. I loved the concept and ending.

If you are from tech background or like to read stories related to this than this book is a must read

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