Book: Sin Is The New Love

Author: Abir Mukherjee

Ahi is an aspiring publisher and wishes to make it big someday. Her life turns upside down when her favourite author’s autobiography lands on her table. His confessions of heinous crimes, illegal businesses and few others as his partners in crime but she is not aware if it’s real or a trap, but little did she know that her world would turn upside down.
Driven by the encouragement of her childhood friend Samim and very charming ACP Rathore, she has to jeopardize her life yo hind the brutal truth of her past.
A perfect thrilling mystery of her past and unsolved murder, this novel is surely unique and a must read. The character Devang Awasthi is such a strong character. And the climax is totally unpredictable.

A different story, very strong characters and a shocking climax are some of the strong points of the novel. If you love thrillers and murder mysteries you know which book to pick next 😍


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