About The Author:

I was born and brought up in New Delhi, in a business family. I was always an artist by heart and hardly understood the complexities of running a family business. So I drowned myself in reading Shakespeare and painting. While expressing myself to my parents, I seldom used my voice. Instead, I wrote to them and I wrote short stories ever since I was a child. I started helping small-time and edited their books.

Your published books: 

Prisoners of paradise (Editor and co-author)

In search of Lost Home (Editor)

True colours (Editor)

Erika (Author)

Your favourite book:

The forty rules of Love

The book that inspired you to write:

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Your go-to book:

Me and Rumi by Shams Tabrizi

The book you wish had a different ending:

A thousand Splendid suns by Khaled Hussaini

Book you recommend to everyone to read once in a lifetime :

Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran

About Her Book:

The driver’s voice became muffled after I saw the lady from my window. She looked exactly like me; a mirror image. I shook my head. “Jesus!”

After her parents died in a tragic car crash, Erika moves to London from Dublin to get rid of the bad memories, her frantic nightmares, and disturbing hallucinations. In time, her life settles into a new routine with Lara, with whom she shares an apartment. They become the best of friends, enjoying London and meeting new people. Life is good.

A few months later, Erika meets Ethan who is suave, professional and dependable. A whirlwind romance follows and within a week they are married. Soon, Erika starts noticing some unusual incidents; the mysterious girl Maya, some cryptic books about secret societies and even a murder.

Will she be able to figure out these new mystical events in her life or will they overwhelm her, making her go insane?

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