Book: My Affair With Radha

Author: Kunal Desai

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Radha and Krishna have been worshipped as a couple for ages, Despite of this why is Radha is not listed as one of the Krishna’s wife ?

There are many unasked and unanswered questions about the relationship of Radha and Krishna. It is said that Radha was married to Rayan and also said that once Krishna left Vrindavan, he didn’t turn back to Radha. Are this all partial truths or just white lies ?

A book that answers all the questions we have about the divine love story of Radha and Lord Krishna. Narrated from the point of view of Krishna, this book is a unique in its own way.

The research and the information from the Purans are well expressed.

The drawing made at the starting of each chapter by the author are just so beautiful.

A unique plot, perfect story about the most loved mythological characters are the best features of the book. This book surely going to be your next read.


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