Book: After The Dark

Author: Rohit Pagare

Blurb :

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A BOY IS PUSHED TO THE WALL AND A GIRL HAS TO FIGHT FOR HER HONOR AND FREEDOM? Gopi, just 11 years, has promised to bring smile to Ria. She is rich but handicapped. Gopi is poor and broken. But it was a promise he could die for. Thus, begins his transformation from a boy to a man who unknowingly is running on a collision course with the high and mighty. But he is none to be stopped. He knows he will have to do something unthinkable to bring her a smile. His elder sister Seema is just 15 and has been kidnapped by money lender and kept with other inmates in the hostage camp. With goons hovering around, she has no choice except to fight back, or to escape. Both are fatal. When pushed to the corner one day by a guard, she stares at her horrible self – that she could murder. Thereafter, one day she manages to escape with another inmate only to frustratingly return to her enclosure when her friend is shot dead by guards. And just when she was beginning to surrender to her fate, destiny throws yet another chance for freedom, but it has a repulsive rider – she will have to protect the ones who she would be happy to kill. The rider is: she will have to save her captor from a deadly conspiracy.


To begin with, the cover of the book is really good. I really like fonts and the effects used on the cover page, colour combination is really good too.

This book was like a rollercoaster ride for me. I really enjoyed the concept and the overall story. It was a little disturbing for me at times, but this is what made this book beautiful, its rawness added a separate spice to the book. 

Overall if you want to read something thrilling and really entertaining then this book is for you

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